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Hey guys! it's Darrren! Just a reminder that the subscription box is RIGHT on the RIGHT! And it's always easier to check your email for updates rather then check this website everyday, but I'm just letting you know!
-Darren :)

The TRUE Money Making Phillosophy

Filed Under (,,,,, ) by Dungeon Defence on Sunday, April 18, 2010

Posted at : 11:47 AM

Nobody is at where they are today without the sacrifice of hard work and diligence, so how could you make thousands a month like how certain guides promise you? For example you are reading a guide that promises "Hundreds a Day, FOOL PROOF!" and while your following the "STEP-BY-STEP" guide, you hit a roadblock! Such as the step 7, Purchase This To Continue. So your stuck on Step 7, because you have no money to invest in, or you don't want to because it cost too much? Well I'm sure you know what I mean, and you also know there are thousands of guides just like that! Moral of the story, there is no easy way to make "Hundreds a Day," because, well, that's life?

 So How Do I Make Money Online?

The answer is simple, yet cliche:

1. Hard Work
2. Endurance
3. Creativity

That's probably the answer to most of life's problems, yet those three things can be broken down into smaller pieces. If your not following me, or maybe you are a little more interested in this philosophy, check out John Wooden's books, he's indeed one of America's brightest thinkers


He has come up with a pyramid, or "Pyramid of Success," to life's riches and success!

Since philosophy is like religion, it is up to the individual to believe in or not, and how you believe it.

Take the pyramid, and think how it directly impacts your life? John Wooden says, that "Success is peace of mind-" Are you at peace right now? Or are you infuriated you can't make money online? Why don't you try comparing the pyramid with yourself, starting from the first five blocks!

There are many different ways to look at life, some see it as lovely, and bliss, other might think cruel, and unjust, however you look at it, I think John Wooden has a very accurate answer for life, which is demonstrated by his Pyramid of Success. So think about it, compare yourself with the Pyramid, "Seek Significant Change," and you'll undoubtedly benefit in the long run!