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-Darren :)

Increasing Your Site Traffic: Part 1

Filed Under (,,, ) by Ivan on Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Posted at : 10:12 PM

The reader asks. “How do I increase the number of people who come to my site?

In my opinion, site traffic can be affected by many different factors. It can be affected by the content of your posts, the layout of your site, or even your reputation on the Web. By simply improving these things, your site will surely have an increase in number of people who visit it. How do you do this? Here are some basic tips on increasing the traffic of your site:

1. Post valuable content.
Is the content of your post worth the time of millions of people? Will people actually gain new, acquired knowledge from reading this post, or will it just be a review of something else you said? Is it something that you have edited and re-edited, making sure that it is the best you can provide for your readers?
Whatever the reason, always make sure that the content you post on your blog is valuable. Don’t post BS all over your site just to make it look like you are reliable, or to increase your chances of appearing on a search engine. Instead, think about the people you’re writing to. Remember that they are spending their own personal time to read your post; they definitely don’t want to read BS.
As you have noticed, I usually start off with a question that a reader would ask, or had asked. When I post, I always try to approach a topic with a different perspective so that people can understand it better. By doing so, I hope to eliminate any fears people have on a certain topic. Another thing is that I think about something that is probably unexpected: myself. I think about what I would say about my OWN post if I read it. If my post made me think that I wasted valuable time on it, I would go back and edit my post, or even delete it and start a new one. This scene has already reoccurred various times.
Sometimes, as I write my post, I look at the time and get frustrated on how much time I have taken. Feelings of frustration may run through my head while making a post, but I ALWAYS end up extremely satisfied. It feels very nice to finally sit back and relax after writing a long post that was re-edited an uncountable amount of times. It makes me feel proud of myself when I finally publish a post, knowing that it WILL help people and NOT waste their time.
Overall, if you do not have any valuable content to post, then don’t post it. There is no point in posting BS on your blog for people to waste their time on, unless the only thing you are trying to satisfy is the search engine. Remember that whenever you post content onto your site, make sure that it is the best you can do. As you progress in post-making, your content will also get better.

For part 2 click here